Importance of nutritious food in a kid’s life


Eating the right kind of food or we can say healthy food is of utmost importance for all of us but it becomes more important for children specially in the age group of 3 to 4 years as this is their growing age so it is very important for them to eat the right kind of food in this age eating the right kind of food specially that contains protein like egg, daal, green vegetables, Pulses etc would help in proper growth of a child both mentally and physically  as this is their growing age it is very important to give them the right kind of food so that they  can lead a healthy life  near future and do not fall  ill because of lack of balance diet .

A balance diet means taking in the right kind of food with all the vitamins, minerals, protein into your body so that the body gets a proper nutrition .A good and a nutritious food helps prevent a child from eating disorders, obesity, dental cavities and iron –deficiency anemia etc if they eat the right kind of food all these problems can be avoided. Also consuming nutritious food help a child grow and develop and do well academically and feel good about themselves it helps them perform well in their studies.

Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast  perform better in the class  they have a much better problem solving ability  better verbal  fluency  and are very creative they are also less likely to be absent .According to a research  children who do not eat breakfast  or eat insufficient  breakfast  are more likely to have behavioral, emotional and academic  problem at school.

Nutrition is important for healthy child development .We should always avoid giving our child food that is high in calories or saturated fats or added salt and sugar as it could lead to obesity .You can also involve your child in preparing healthy recipes for the family so that they can also develop an interest towards food and specially healthy food.

Proper eating in this age would help them lead a healthy life near future .If proper and healthy eating habits are not followed during childhood it could lead to a lot of consequences or health issues near future a healthy diet helps in building a strong immune system that can fight against a lot of health problems and reduce the risk of  falling ill .Children are the future of our nation if they maintain a good health  they would be able to perform well  in studies and as a result of it they will perform well academically and will be able to do better  in their future so in this way the importance of good health play a very important role in all our lives and specially children


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