S.No. 89 Deendayal Chock Jabalpur MP


Independent journalism that speaks truth to power and is free of corporate and political control is possible only when people start contributing towards the same. OYSPA has been in operation since February 2017 and it has been a completely voluntary effort for the past months. To continue and expand this endeavor, we decided to formalize our efforts and have now registered a company called OYSPA.

Going forward, we wish to expand our team and have more people monitoring, researching and writing about misinformation that goes on at various levels from social media to main stream media. As part of this expansion process, one of the highest priority will be to create content in other languages and especially Hindi. For all of this, we need funds and we are wholly dependent on our readers for the same. Please do donate generously and contribute to this fight against fake news.

We do not accept foreign remittance as we are not registered under the FCRA Act…

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