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Top 10 ways to develop your child’s interest towards studies

In this highly competitive world it becomes very important for the parents to encourage their child to work hard in life .Now it’s the time to pull up their socks  in order to start educating their child it is important that parents create a learning environment at home itself and encourage them to study daily and polish their skills in order to face this highly competitive world .It is very important that kids choose a right career for themselves and work very hard in that field .

So that when they grow up they would be able to face this highly competitive world

Here are some points that could help parents that could help parents develop their child interest towards studies

Try to spend some quality time with your children and involve yourself in their day to day learning activities


You can show your excitement in their activities like drawing and painting involve yourself in their activities.


Try to create learning  environment at home ask your kids to study daily at home and also try to help them out in their studies by helping them out or by making them revise their course.


Sometimes also try to read out the stories to them in a very interesting way


Use music to help them memories in a better way


Use educational CD to make them learn in a better way try to include all the chapters in that CD so that they can learn in a better way this would prove to be very helpful to them in their studies.


Share Knowledgeable news with them and keep them updated with what is going around the world


Make them read the newspaper everyday so that they are aware about what is happening around the world .


Try to make them involve in various conversation with others ask them to freely interact with others so that they would be able to improve their knowledge.


If they get a little bit bored  with their studies  ask them to take a break  by going out and play  or may be listen to music for a while .


Ask them to read out the lesson loudly so that they could understand in a better way  and could learn also in a better way .








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