Does strict parenting have long lasting psychological effects on a child?

Most of the people think that strict parenting and harsh discipline lead to more well-behaved child/kids.

Well, they may be right!

Seen from an external behavioral point of view, kids of authoritarian families may seem polite, obedient and easy to manage. They are compliant and do as they are told!

Many parents view instant obedience as a good virtue.


Because it makes everyday life easier for them! Simple!

But strict discipline often has its price.

A high price!

If we for one moment look beyond external behavior and adjust our spotlight to what’s going on on the inside of these children, we will see that the authoritarian parenting style may have severe existential and psychological consequences.

Research has shown that children of authoritarian families are more prone to suffering from low self-esteem and low self-worth than children coming from authoritative or permissive parents.

In this way, the short-term behavioral gain of obedience is heavily outweighed by the long-term psychological damage.

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